<atrium black and white>
<christmas card chilton ave>
<johnie with grand children christmas presents>
<turners taylors black and white chilton ave #favorite>
<turners taylors christmas>
<vicki campbell>
<vince payne>
<terry sitting on log boots>
<terry red van>
<terry ruth nalley ron la posta>
<terry studio hasselblad high key>
<terry trim mulberry tree chevy truck>
<the lanes turner studio>
<tom t hall pan american center>
<turners patio rubber plant>
<turners studio grass plume brown leather chair>
<turners taylors chilton ave black and white>
<weldon patsy jones>
<james thomas cassan sweetbabyjames>
<young doris cassan >
<doris cassan>
<james cassan one year old wooden chair>
<james cassan graduate>
<young James cassan>
<kirt todd traci cassan high key>
<young traci cassan>

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