CreateJS export from AdrienneBanner006ZZ




Tip, Johnie and Adrienne...

(Note: Doorstep made from flat sandstone rocks.
The white vertical line to the right of the screen door
handle may be a rag stuffed in a crack in the wall to
prevent a draft.

<adrienne four years old>

Adrienne four years old...

Sheila, Adrienne and Donna at the Rombolds house in "The Breaks."

<Adrienne and Tip waiting for the school bus. Adron with milk bucket cutting up.>

Adron standing by pile of rocks holding Adrienne...

(Note: The rocks shown in the picture, maybe the rocks used to build the "Rock House." Other items (sawhorse and pile of sand), which are shown in the photo, may have also been used in the construction of the Rock House. The ground appears to be rough, unlike the smooth hard packed soil that I remember; they must have just recently moved to this location.



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