Aunt Eddie & family lived in the small house behind Aunt Clara & Uncle Floyds and we visited them in Denver on 1440 Williams St.  Once we rode the trolley from their house a few blocks to the movies.  Remember the swing on Aunt Clara's front porch?  Someone got on to us once for swinging to hard and banging it on the wall.  They rented out part of the old red brick house.  Ben & I went by there once during a Tel. Co. meeting.  The old house had a historical marker on it.


On our trip to visit Aunt Clara and Uncle Floyd we had a picnic in the front yard of this house. Uncle Rufus, who really liked kids and liked to tease, pointed up into a tree and said, “Hey, Terry look up in that tree, there’s a squirrel.” When I looked up there wasn’t any squirrel in the tree and when I looked back there wasn’t any sandwich on my plate, either.

He gave it back.  ; - )

